New Beginnings

New beginnings can be easy or hard. They can be clean and messy. They can be exciting and terrifying simultaneously. It's a loaded phrase. For someone like myself who loves routine, it can be terrifying.


Regardless of what a new beginning looks like or stems from, the new year always brings this phrase to mind. We make lists of things we want to accomplish, places we want to go, areas in our lives we want to make right. The list could go on and on...

We all have something in our life this year that could constitute a new beginning. The last year and a half has been brimming with new beginnings for my family. Sometimes, those new beginnings are scary on the front end, but bringing to mind what Scripture teaches reveals He was in control all along!


Isaiah 43:19 reminds us, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."


He is in the business of guiding His children if we're willing to listen to His voice and follow Him. Not just with a casual faith that speaks His name occasionally. Not a mundane faith that merely "goes to church" because we think we need to. Not a fruitless faith that never thrusts us forward to serve our brothers and sisters and to share our faith boldly.


But He is already up to something. He's already started something. He has made a way! Maybe this year you need to commit to find a group of people that you can confide in spiritually where you will spur one another on in your faith. Perhaps you need to commit to getting in the Word daily. Maybe He is preparing to embolden you to do something BIG with your faith. Whatever it is, a new year is always a good time to wind back down and focus on what He has in store for us.


And in the new beginnings He prepares, we take comfort in knowing that even if there are big changes for us, He never changes (Hebrews 13:8). So even if something seems hard, He is still in charge.


Get ready to jump in headfirst into every good and perfect thing that Jesus has in store for you this year!


Article written by Ashley Eason.

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