Ready or Not They Will Be Gone

Psalm 127:4 states "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth." This verse reminds us of the fast-paced and fleeting nature of parenting. As parents, we have a short window of time to raise our children and shape their character. It is our responsibility to guide our children in the fear of the Lord and teach them to follow His ways. We will blink, and like the warrior’s arrow, it will be time to fire our children into this world. I am always asking; will they be ready?


Life is always crazy. We have work, school, homework, gymnastics, meals, quality time with our family, and all the extra random unexpected events that occur. In the moment, it feels like the days are long and exhausting with the constant needs of our children. But I am reminded, I only had a few short years to lay a foundation for their spiritual growth and guide them in the right direction.


Psalm 127:4 reminds me that we need to make the most of the time we have with our children. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day responsibilities and tasks of parenting, but it is important to prioritize teaching our children about God and His ways. This can be done through daily devotions, family worship, and leading by example in our own faith.


Raising children in the fear of the Lord is not always easy, but it is a crucial task for parents. It requires intentional effort and a commitment to teaching and modeling a godly lifestyle. The time we have with our children is short, but our impact is eternal.


Article written by BJ Eason.


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